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Past Events from October 13, 2018 – January 1, 1970 – CHRISTINE HUSOM

Buried In The House Book Signing – Buffalo

Buffalo Books and Coffee 6 Division Street East, Buffalo, MN, United States

I'm excited to launch my 11th Winnebago County Mystery at Buffalo Books and Coffee, and meet with readers!

Speaking Event – Buffalo

Covenant Church Buffalo, MN, United States

I'm invited to speak to elementery students about my writing career.

KRWC Book Club Interview – AM 1360

KRWC Radio for Wright County Buffalo, MN, United States

I'll be discussing Buried In The House with Tim Matthews and Shelly Garvey. You can listen live at KRWC 1360!

Cracked Walnut’s Blank Verse Event – Blaine

Anoka County Library - Northtown 707 County Rd 10 NE, Blaine, MN, United States

I'll join authors Cathy Buchholz, Barbara Deese, and Mary Bakos Sebesta at the event, and will be reading an excerpt from Buried In The House. Please join us!

Clearwater Corners Market – Clearwater

Cleawater Legion Club 505 Pine Street, Clearwater, MN, United States

I'll be a first time vendor there. Please stop by if you're in the area.