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Events from January 1, 1970 – October 13, 2018 – CHRISTINE HUSOM

Cleawater Corners Market – Clearwater

Cleawater Legion Club 505 Pine Street, Clearwater, MN, United States

I'm back for a return visit. Please stop by if you're in the area!

Mainstreet Days Arts and Crafts Festival- Hopkins

Hopkins Mainstreet Days Downtown, Hopkins, MN, United States

My return visit to this annual event with over 140 crafters, food vendors, live entertainment and kids' activities.  Fun!

Northwoods Art and BookFestival – Hackensack

Northwoods Art and Book Festival 3rd Street and Lake Avenue, Hackensack, MN, United States

Their 30th Annual. A wonderful event with great authors and artisans!

Buffalo Art and Craft Fair – Buffalo

Buffalo Art and Craft Fair -Buffalo Downtown, Buffalo, MN, United States

Their 42nd Anuual with 150+ vendors. A great variety!