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Presentation at Discovery Elementery
Discovery School Auditorium 301 2nd Ave NE, Buffalo, MNI'm looking forward to teaching students about the elements that go into writing a story. And having fun involving everyone in creating a story.
Women of Today Craft Fair – Monticello
Monticello Community Center 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN, United StatesIt's their 34th Annual Spring Craft Fair and I'll have a booth with my books there!
Annandale Business Expo
Annandale High School 855 Hemlock Street, Annandale, MN, United StatesI will be a vendor with my books at this great event that features local businesses. Please stop by!
Class for Wright County Group
Wright County Buffalo, MN, United StatesI'll will be leading a class for writer's in Wright County on writing and publishing basics, and have Q and A time. Fun!
Presentation at Writer’s Group – Buffalo
Buffalo Community Center 206 Central Avenue, Buffalo, MN, United StatesI'm looking forward to a meeting with a local writer's group, sharing my story, and no doubt learning from them, too. It'll be fun!